Eight passengers of a boat that capsized in Beledweyn on Monday are still missing.
The ill feted boat was transiting government officials to assess the magnitude of the flooding when it accidently upturned.
Several people including the mayor of Beledweyne were rescued as search operation was launched for other missing people.
By Tuesday morning, the bodies of two people were recovered among them was prominent businessman, Sharif Arabey who was in the boat.
Multi agency emergency committee was formed by the office of the Prime Minister, Hassan Ali Kheyre to organize relief efforts to help hundreds of families affected by the recurring calamity.
Chaired by the Minister for humanitarian affairs and emergency services, Hamza Saed Hamza the team held meeting with various international partners on coordination of rescue efforts.
President, Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo also directed all government agencies to take part in the rescue operations.