Somali police have vowed to take legal actions against Al-shabaab sympathizers amid reports that locals seek redress in Al-shabaab courts in southern Somalia.
Gedo police commissioner, Abdi Sheikh Hassan Elmi said some local deal with al-Shabaab by seeking justice in the group’s courts in remote areas.
He stated the move could further complicate the security challenges in the country.
The commissioner has cautioned the locals against seeking redress in Al-shabaab courts.
“We are aware of that Some people go to Al-shabaab areas to submit land dispute cases at Al-shabaab courts. We will take legal action against anyone found of having relationship with Al-shabaab courts,” Abdi vowed.
Abdi accused the traders in the region of collaborating with Al-Shabaab fighters in the remote areas.
“We believe Al-shabaab are being supported by some people in the region. They are financed by Somali traders,” said Hussein.
Sentiment of the commissioner was previously echoed by authorities in Southwest and Hirshabelle states, accusing of some traders and locals of collaborating with Al-Shabaab.