Ministry of Education announces high school exam results

Somalia’s Ministry of Education has announced the results of the national secondary schools exam on Tuesday.

The Minister, Abdullahi Godah Barre said the first ten students will be offered fully sponsored scholarship in and outside of the country.

Total students of 22, 499 students out of the total 31,500 candidates who sat for the exams have passed.
With 8,162 female students and while male counterparts, who progressed to the next level of education are 14,337.
Students can check their performance via online profile provided

The unified national secondary schools examination was postponed and new exam papers reset following wide spread leakage via the social media on early May.

Scores of students were wounded following protest.

An education official was arrested by the police in connection to the leakage.

Somali government has undertaken reforms to improve education sector which is one of the areas affected by the civil war that broke out in the country in early 1990s.