Adan Dual calls for equal treatment of Kenyan Somalis

Kenya’s Defence Minister, Adan Barre Duale, who is also Garissa Town MP Aden Duale has called for equal treatment of Kenyan Somalis amid alleged profiling of members of the community.

During vetting process conducted by National Assembly Appointment Committee for vetting, he said Kenyan Somalis have equal rights as Kenyans from other communities.

“There’s a narrative and perception about Somalis in this country. This administration will make all communities equal and do away with the profiling of Somalis in Kenya,” Duale said.
The legislator was speaking on Monday while being vetted for the post of Cabinet secretary in the Ministry of Defence.

He revealed that those members of the Somali community are spread throughout the world and some hold vital positions in various countries.
“Somalis are not only in Djibouti, Somalia they are everywhere. Somalis have a congresswoman in the US. There is also a Somali minister in Canada,” Duale said.

He argued that despite their origin, Somalis are loyal to their country of citizenship.

“Somalis are loyal to the citizenship of where they are. Treat me as a Kenyan Somali just the way you treat the other communities,” Duale stated.

The former Majority leader noted that Islam does not condone the illegal accumulation of wealth.
“Just like (other people), Kenyan Somalis are free to do business across the country, so that should not be used to profile them,” he said.
“Kenyan Somalis thrive in business across the country because they are hardworking. Continued ethnic profiling by propelling propaganda that we are taking up the CBD, should stop,” he added.